Our team is not only committed to create, develop and modify flavours in food products, but also optimise nutritional value, using the best quality whole dried products sourced from all over the world in a cost effective, socially and environmentally responsible manner.
Quality and safety are synonymous with our brand and we therefore hold ourselves to account by ensuring our products are safe for consumption at the highest quality standard. This is carried out through the implementation of a formalised food safety management system aligned to international regulatory requirements. Our supporting processes and procedures are implemented, monitored, and quality assured on a continuous basis.
Our Raw Herbs and Spices (Aniseed , Coriander, Cardamom , Garlic Ground, Jalepeno Flakes Nutmeg Powder , Paprika & Tumeric, to mention a few) –adds zest to your food. Our MSG FREE products (a few examples in our vast range are BBQ Mexican, Beef Gravy, Cajun Rub, Lemon Pepper & Vegetable Stock) are simply delicious and a must to have in your kitchen. Our herbs are guaranteed to make your food burst with flavour.
The extent of our offering comprises of:
Raw spices are obtained from the bark, buds, fruit, roots, seeds or stems of various plants or trees. We provide you with these spices in three forms – whole, crushed and powdered. Our raw spices are carefully selected from around the world and are made available to you in the most pure and natural form.
A herb is the leafy green or flowering part of a plant. When herbs are dried, their flavour intensifies, therefore a tablespoon of dried herbs tastes much stronger than a tablespoon of a fresh herb. We offer a wide range of carefully dried herbs that are supplied in various forms, such as whole, cut or powdered.
During our extensive years of experience, we have perfected contract powder blending processes, which has enabled us to offer a wide array of formats and blending services.
This is supported by a team of experienced industry experts who are able to assist you with meeting your quality assurance, development of formulations and blending needs.
Functional ingredients are most commonly used in meat products, sauces and spice packs. Their mechanism of action is the use of ingredients in such a way that allows for the inclusion of stabilisers and tenderisers. Cleaner label accepted products can be produced, that is free from artificial additives or preservatives at the same time optimising cost formulations.
Functional spice blends are spices that not only provide flavouring, but also perform a specific function in their application. These products could require optimising nutritional value, stabilizers and thickeners or gelling agents. Our speciality Spices add that extra taste to your food!
Functional spice blends are spices that not only provide flavouring, but also perform a specific function in their application.
These products could require optimising nutritional value, stabilizers and thickeners or gelling agents.
Tailored batch pack and premixes combine all ingredients into a single solution by precisely measured ingredient quantities. This ensures the interaction of all food ingredients, adding to your product’s stability and performance.
The majority of our herbs and spices are imported as completely dried products that are sourced from all over the world through sustainable sourcing in a manner that is socially and environmentally responsible, while still being economically sound. Place your order today and experience the best tastes from around the world!
Contact our team of experts for more information, technical specifications and pricing.
Email: support@cranbrookflavours.com
Tel: +27 (0)11 398 6000
All rights reserved © Cranbrook Flavours 2022